Postpartum care is lacking in the United States. Just because something is common does not mean it is normal. If you weren’t peeing your pants prior to having a baby why would it be normal to do so afterwards? It is dysfunctional!

 Guess what though? There is help and a way to fix this without undergoing surgery. Why aren’t we talking about this? Why isn’t this standard of care? This is my mission and my passion in life, to empower you to not accept anything less than life unlimited. We also treat issues outside of pregnancy including pelvic pain, painful intercourse, deep hip pain pain, back pain, constipation. We can also help our male friends struggling with the same issues.  


$156 for each follow up visit


$185 for an evaluation

Pelvic Pain

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Vulvodynia, is hypersensitivity of nerves in the vulvar area causing pain. We are specialized in manual therapy and have extensive training in treating chronic pelvic dysfunction.



Endometriosis is most commonly characterized by painful periods, intercourse pain, pain with bowel movements, urination pain, infertility and/or diarrhea during periods. Endometriosis refers to a condition where the tissue similar to the one that lines your uterus (the endometrium) grows outside of your uterus. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a great option to manage your symptoms. Your pelvic floor physical therapy therapist will help you reduce adhesions, and scar tissue and limit your movement through manual therapy, visceral mobilization, and home exercise programs.  

Interstitial Cystitis, also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome, is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the deep and muscular bladder layers. It can cause bladder frequency, urgency, and/or pain.
Over time, if there is chronic inflammation in the bladder, this can cause damage to the surrounding muscles and fascial tissues. Inflammation in the muscles and fascia can cause symptoms that may seem to originate from the bladder.
Physical therapy can be used to release restrictions in fascia and activate trigger points in the pelvis, hip, and pelvic floor muscles. Painful Bladder Syndrome symptoms can be relieved by releasing and rebalancing tissue and muscles.

Interstitial Cystitis

Your pudendal nerve runs from the back of your pelvis to all the muscles and skin in your genital area, including your anus, vagina and penis. This nerve can become irritated or compressed and contribute to pain, numbness, or tingling in the pelvis or genitals. Pelvic floor physical therapy works with nerve mobilization, manual therapy, and other techniques to decrease your symptoms. 

Pudendal Neuralgia

Other issues we can provide treatment for include:
Painful Periods
Pain with Intercourse/Pelvic Exam

Vaginismus refers to a condition where a woman’s vagina contracts involuntarily. This can cause discomfort or pain particularly with penetration. Vaginismus can be treated by addressing both the emotional and physical drivers. Physical therapy of the pelvic floor helps with vaginismus treatment by treating the physical response (the spasm). The treatment will vary depending on the individual.


Tailbone pain, also called Coccydynia, can be treated by our expert pelvic floor therapists. Tailbone pain limits sitting and is problematic when you transition from sitting to standing. This is a common problem that we treat all the time. Don’t let your tailbone pain get you down. Let’s make you feel better! Schedule your appointment today.

Tailbone Pain

Sacroiliac dysfunction (SIJ), a lower back/pelvic condition, can be caused by joint stiffness (hypomobility), or slackness(hypermobility), at the sacroiliac bones in the pelvis. This condition can affect men and women of any age, but it is more common in females. Your physical therapist will evaluate your SI joint dysfunction to determine the extent of your pain. These findings will determine the treatment plan for you.

SI Joint Dysfunction

Your pelvis and tailbone are supported by muscles that include your back muscles, stomach muscles and glutes, and a small group of muscles located at the base called your pelvic floor. If you are not getting these checked out you are missing an important piece of the puzzle to your low back pain. We’ve known for a long time that low back pain and the pelvic floor are closely related. Many of our patients notice sciatica and other low back symptoms but they don’t realize that it could be due to their pelvic floor until they have their initial evaluation. To provide sustained relief from lower back pain, it is important to examine both the pelvic floor as well as the lower back.

Low Back Pain

A pelvic floor specialist might be able to help you if you have hip pain as the muscles of your hip are directly connected to your pelvic floor. Your hip muscles, pelvic floor muscles and core muscles must all work together to allow your body to move efficiently. Each muscle group should be strong and flexible. Your body could rely on the other muscles for stability or movement, eventually causing more pain or dysfunction. To determine if the primary cause of hip pain is in one of these areas, a pelvic physical therapist will perform an internal assessment. An individualized plan can restore mobility, stability, function, and functionality of the pelvic floor and other hip muscles. You can return to the activities that you love by correcting any underlying muscle imbalances.

Hip Pain

Bowel + Bladder

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Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located in the anus or lower rectum. Although hemorrhoids usually resolve in a few days, they can still be uncomfortable and distressing. Chronic constipation and straining of bowel movements are risk factors. A pelvic health physical therapist can assess your pelvic floor tension to determine the cause of your hemorrhoids and provide individualized treatment to reduce constipation, improve your breathing, and improve bowel movement mechanics.



Incontinence is ANY involuntary leakage of urine. Incontinence can be as simple as leaking urine from coughing to severe cases where you feel the urge to urinate and can end up not getting to the toilet in time. Pelvic floor physical therapy may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This can be done by normalizing your pelvic floor muscle function and coordination. Incontinence can be caused by a weak pelvic floor, tightness, and uncontrolled spasming. 

Prolapse refers to laxity within the support structures of the pelvis causing the bladder, uterus, or rectum to sit lower within the vagina. This is caused primarily by poor pressure management and pelvic floor coordination issues, but many things contribute. Physical therapy can be very effective for many women. Physical therapy can reduce symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse. It may even be a better option than surgery.  Book an appointment with Luna Physio to learn more about prolapse risk, the symptoms to look out for, and what treatment options are available. We are happy to help you with any questions that may arise in your particular situation.


Urinary Urgency/Frequency is the frequency with which you urinate, whether it be during the day or at night (nocturia), either in normal or lower volumes. Frequency can be accompanied by a feeling of urgency to void (urinary urge). Your physical therapist will conduct an examination to determine the cause of your Urinary Frequency or Urgency and also determine if you need to be referred for further tests. Your physical therapist will tailor treatments to strengthen and improve the function of your pelvic floor muscles and muscles based on your evaluation. Your physical therapist will help you manage your symptoms, reduce the need to wear pads, special undergarments, or incontinence medication, and avoid surgery.

Urinary Urgency/Frequency 

We offer treatments for other conditions or issues including:
-Incomplete Emptying
-Interstitial Cystitis
-Painful Bladder Syndrome

Constipation encompasses any dissatisfaction with your bowel movements. It can be a lack of bowel movement, infrequent bowel movements, or difficulty passing stool. To help with constipation, pelvic floor physical therapy uses manual techniques, exercise programs, and diet and activity modifications. Connective tissue manipulation is a technique that releases connective tissue restrictions from the pelvic muscles. This includes the abdominals, inner thighs, groins, buttocks, low back, and groin. Manual release of the pelvic floor muscles (specifically puborectalis), relaxation exercises, and pelvic floor exercises are used to relieve tightness. These exercises help strengthen and restore optimal function. Lifestyle modifications, such as changing your diet and water intake, may also be recommended to help with constipation.


Fecal incontinence is not being able to control bowel movements or gas. Fecal incontinence ranges from unwanted passing of gas to a complete loss of bowel control. Pelvic floor physical therapy may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This can be done by normalizing your pelvic floor muscle function and coordination. Incontinence can be caused by a weak pelvic floor, tightness, and uncontrolled spasming. Lifestyle modifications, such as changing your diet may also be recommended to help with fecal incontinence.

Bowel/Fecal Incontinence

Pregnancy + Postpartum

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Our pelvic floor physical therapists are able to address many issues related to pregnancy and pre-birth. Our staff are expertly trained pelvic floor physical therapists who spend many, many hours studying the pelvic floor and how it interacts with the rest of the body. They are musculoskeletal experts and can address your pelvic floor’s role in pregnancy and childbirth as well as any potential issues. We will examine your posture, breathing, and patterns of activity. Then, we can create individualized treatment plans and recommend birthing strategies.

Birth Prep

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti can be a common condition that affects women both during and after pregnancy. This is caused by the separation of rectus abdominis muscles, which causes the connective tissue to stretch, leading to weakness in the midsection, and a visible gap in the abdominal muscle. To improve strength, control, function, and strength of the abdominal muscles, physical therapy is safe and effective.

Prolapse refers to laxity within the support structures of the pelvis causing the bladder, uterus, or rectum to sit lower within the vagina. This is caused primarily by poor pressure management and pelvic floor coordination issues, but many things contribute. Physical therapy can be very effective for many women. Physical therapy can reduce symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse. It may even be a better option than surgery.  Book an appointment with Luna Physio to learn more about prolapse risk, the symptoms to look out for, and what treatment options are available. We are happy to help you with any questions that may arise in your particular situation.


The pubic symphysis is a joint that connects your pelvis in the area of the pubic bone. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) can occur when the joint becomes less stable or even separates. A comprehensive pelvic examination can identify a pubic-symphysis separation or malalignment. Our physical therapists use gentle, effective techniques for joint mobilization and realignment to the pelvic joints. To stabilize the pubic joint, we also recommend progressive strengthening exercises. We provide instructions on how to maintain good body mechanics and prevent injury from occurring in the future. We have excellent results in treating this condition, no matter how severe or long-standing. Our patients are able to return their functional abilities to painless levels. Postpartum patients are able to have successful vaginal deliveries without any recurrences. 

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

Other areas that offer treatment and care includes:
-Support and care during pregnancy/postpartum
-Staying active during pregnancy
-Return to exercise

Incontinence is ANY involuntary leakage of urine. Incontinence can be as simple as leaking urine from coughing to severe cases where you feel the urge to urinate and can end up not getting to the toilet in time. Pelvic floor physical therapy may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This can be done by normalizing your pelvic floor muscle function and coordination. Incontinence can be caused by a weak pelvic floor, tightness, and uncontrolled spasming. 


Pelvic floor physical therapy can play a crucial role in preparing for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Our therapists can assess the muscles of the pelvic floor to ensure there are no issues that may impede effective pushing during delivery. We also address any residual scar tissue along the cesarean scar and surrounding abdominal tissues, which can improve pelvic floor function and motor control. Additionally, we provide education on proper pushing techniques and strategies, including the phases of labor, timing for an epidural, and effective positioning to assist with cervical dilation and the descent of the baby. Through an internal exam, we can also help improve the effectiveness of pushing without placing unwanted strain on the pelvic floor muscles and perineum.

VBAC Prep (Vaginal Birth after C-section)

Exercise after giving birth is part of a healthy lifestyle. Postpartum exercise has been shown to be beneficial at all stages of life. There are many benefits to postpartum exercise:
-Tone and strengthen your abdominal muscles
-Boosts energy
-May help prevent postpartum depression
-Improves sleep quality
-Relieves stress
-Can help you shed any extra weight you might have gained during pregnancy
It is difficult to make the necessary adjustments when you become a mother. The internet can also be confusing and overwhelming with information about postpartum exercise. Let’s talk about returning to exercise after childbirth.

Return to Exercise Postpartum

Pelvic floor physical therapy is an effective treatment for reducing or eliminating sexual and vaginal pain. Our safe, gentle techniques focus on addressing the underlying causes of pain and discomfort, helping women to experience pain-free, enjoyable intercourse. Our therapists work to reverse issues and unravel the web of pain by increasing pelvic blood flow, releasing trapped nerves and adhesions (scar tissue), relaxing and stretching tight tissue, correcting postural imbalances, restoring mobility, and melting away painful tender points and trigger points. Our goal is to tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, restoring overall health and function to the pelvis.

Painful Intercourse

Physical therapy can be a powerful tool in addressing the pain and discomfort that can occur after a cesarean delivery. Our experienced therapists use a variety of techniques, including manual therapy, scar tissue mobilization, myofascial release, and stretching and strengthening exercises, to help reduce pain at the incision site, normalize pelvic floor muscle tone, decrease tissue hypersensitivity, improve core and back muscle strength, and retrain muscles affected by pregnancy and delivery for optimal function. Whether you had your c-section recently or years ago, physical therapy can help you achieve greater mobility, function, and strength in the abdominals, back, and pelvic floor. Don’t let pain hold you back, contact us today to learn more about how we can support you on your recovery journey.

C-Section Rehab

Sacroiliac dysfunction (SIJ), a lower back/pelvic condition, can be caused by joint stiffness (hypomobility), or slackness(hypermobility), at the sacroiliac bones in the pelvis. This condition can affect men and women of any age, but it is more common in females. Your physical therapist will evaluate your SI joint dysfunction to determine the extent of your pain. These findings will determine the treatment plan for you.

SI Joint Dysfunction

Your pelvis and tailbone are supported by muscles that include your back muscles, stomach muscles and glutes, and a small group of muscles located at the base called your pelvic floor. If you are not getting these checked out you are missing an important piece of the puzzle to your low back pain. We’ve known for a long time that low back pain and the pelvic floor are closely related. Many of our patients notice sciatica and other low back symptoms but they don’t realize that it could be due to their pelvic floor until they have their initial evaluation. To provide sustained relief from lower back pain, it is important to examine both the pelvic floor as well as the lower back.

Low Back Pain

Tailbone pain, also called Coccydynia, can be treated by our expert pelvic floor therapists. Tailbone pain limits sitting and is problematic when you transition from sitting to standing. This is a common problem that we treat all the time. Don’t let your tailbone pain get you down. Let’s make you feel better! Schedule your appointment today.

Tailbone Pain

A pelvic floor specialist might be able to help you if you have hip pain as the muscles of your hip are directly connected to your pelvic floor. Your hip muscles, pelvic floor muscles and core muscles must all work together to allow your body to move efficiently. Each muscle group should be strong and flexible. Your body could rely on the other muscles for stability or movement, eventually causing more pain or dysfunction. To determine if the primary cause of hip pain is in one of these areas, a pelvic physical therapist will perform an internal assessment. An individualized plan can restore mobility, stability, function, and functionality of the pelvic floor and other hip muscles. You can return to the activities that you love by correcting any underlying muscle imbalances.

Hip Pain

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Post-Operative Physical Therapy

Pelvic physical therapy helps patients recover after pelvic and abdominal surgeries!
​We get physical therapy after every major surgery - except pelvic and abdominal surgeries. Pelvic physical therapy helps scar tissue adhesions, clear inflammation, restore normal movement/strength and reduce pain after surgery.
No matter what the surgery, pelvic physical therapy can help ensure you have a full and complete recovery. 

 Endo Surgery
 Tummy Tuck Surgery/Liposuction
Breast Reconstruction

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Cancer surgery and treatments can impact your physical wellness in many ways, causing muscle weakness, difficulty balancing, limited range of motion, and more. Taking part in physical therapy as part of your recovery process can restore physical function and strength, helping you maintain or regain quality of life. We’ll teach you exercise routines and adaptive techniques that can help you feel better through treatment and recovery. Those dealing with breast, abdominal, and pelvic cancers are best suited to our clinic.  

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pelvic services + beyond